Argentina: They remember Enrique Shaw, model of businessman, husband and father

Argentina: They remember Enrique Shaw, model of businessman, husband and father

With a Misa celebrated by the Military Bishop of Argentina, Bishop Santiago Olivera, the Basilica del Pilar in the city of Buenos Aires was filled with faithful to honor the memory of the Venerable Servant of God Enrique Shaw, on the 52nd anniversary of his death, and to ask for his prompt beatification in the place where his remains rest.

In addition to members of Enrique Shaw’s family, the celebration was attended by representatives of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (UCA), where Shaw was treasurer; of the Christian Association of Business Leaders (ACDE), of which he was a founder, and of the Argentine Catholic Action (ACA); where Shaw headed the men’s branch.

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The bishop, who also serves as Episcopal Delegate for the Causes of Saints, highlighted the figure of the businessman, husband and father Enrique Shaw, who was characterized by his “passion for his workers” and “forever love” for his wife.

Shaw “did, does and will continue to do so much good with his life, and when the Church confirms it, if it is his will, as a blessed, saint, he will be like a beacon,” said the prelate.

“Sometimes it hurts us to see the country far from God, from evangelical values,” lamented Bishop Olivera, and bringing again the example of Enrique Shaw, he recalled that the businessman “shaped the Gospel in his life, he loved God above all.” things but also his neighbor, he delved into the social doctrine of the Church, he saw the workers as part of the family.”

The bishop chose some phrases from the venerable to illustrate his thoughts and his legacy, linked to conversion, love of neighbor and his Christian commitment.

“I will try to love my neighbor as myself in order to fulfill the second commandment of God’s law and looking for a way to make those around me happy, I will spread religion,” he quoted.

Regarding his bond with the workers, characterized by deep love and closeness, Shaw said: “We must not forget that the worker is not just a producer of wealth, or another instrument of the company, or a cog in the gigantic industrial machinery, but a spiritual being, whose dignity and human values ​​must always be present in the thoughts of those who have the responsibility before God and men to administer the riches of the earth.

“Being a boss is not a privilege, but a function (…). We are responsible for the human ascension of our staff,” said the businessman.

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