Argentina: The Diocese of Santiago del Estero, on the way to being Mother of Churches

On September 7, and by decision of Pope Francis, the until now Diocese of Santiago del Estero will become the Primate Archdiocese of Argentinain a gesture of historical reparation for having hosted the first announcement by a successor of the apostles in the national territory.

The ceremony that will declare the country’s already well-known “Mother of Cities” “Mother of Churches” will be at 5:00 p.m. (local time) in the local cathedral, where the pontifical bull that transfers the primal seat of Buenos Aires will be executed. Aires to Santiago del Estero.

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In this context, the local bishop, Mons. Vicente Bokalic, and his auxiliary, Mons. Enrique Martínez Ossola, encouraged the Santiago community to be part of this special event.

“Pope Francis surprised us with another attention to our Church of Santiago. It is something that he carried in his heart as a father and pastor,” says Bishop Bokalic in a carta to the faithful, in which he recognizes that the Holy Father, “in recent months he anticipated that something nice would come for us.”

“Today it is a reality: Santiago is a Primate Diocese, as it is the seat of the first Diocese in what was later to become the Argentine Republic,” he expressed. “Until today we were Mother of cities and today a new title ‘Mother of Diocese’ is added to us,” she added.

Faced with this reality, the prelate expressed “gratitude, joy and responsibility,” and in light of the events experienced this year, from the Canonization of Mama Antula celebrated in February to this recognition by the Church.

“We are truly ‘first’ on several issues and this raises our esteem as a people. At the same time, as men and women of faith we believe that the God of History who spoke in many and diverse ways also leaves us a message today. What does the Spirit tell us about these gifts and how do we receive them and how do we respond?” he invites us to ask.

The Prelate calls for sharing the celebration, and anticipates that there will be chairs outside the temple, from where the Mass can be followed through screens and sound, so that all those present “can access the richness of this very important celebration for our Church.” ”.

It also reports that Channel 7 of Santiago del Estero will directly broadcast the entire celebration, “which will allow the participation of all the brothers and communities.”

“Given this recognition of our diocesan Church, it is a good thing to give thanks for it and ask God the Provident Father to bless our ecclesial community to respond to so many challenges that are presented to us at this time,” he expresses, asking “that we have the same strength.” and fervor of the first evangelizers and renew with new ardor, new methods and new expressions our condition as missionary disciples, as our Saint María Antonia de San José or simply Mama Antula did.”


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