Argentina: The Catholic Church works with political and social organizations against hunger

The Social Pastoral and Vicar Teams of the poor of the Archdiocese of Córdoba work together with social and political organizations to devise and carry out concrete actions against hunger.

Within that framework, from the Catholic Church, the first meeting of the year was convened, which took place on Tuesday, February 4 in the parish Our Lady of Mercy, of the city of Córdoba, and brought together social, political and religious referents in search of concrete responses on the food issue in popular neighborhoods, villas and settlements of the province.

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The purpose of the meeting was to share a vision of the difficult situation suffered by people who fail to cover their food needs, and among the different articular spaces solutions.

In addition to the Catholic Church, the Evangelical Church shines; and also attended referents of the Excluded Workers Movement (MTE); of the class and combative current (CCC); of the “La Poderosa” group; of the front of organizations in struggle (fol); the labor pole; the Union of Popular Economy (UTEP) workers, and the Evita Movement.

The Social Pastoral and the Vicaría de los Poor de Córdoba They described this first instance as “very positive” and anticipated that others will be convened.

They also announced that at the next meeting, scheduled to be held at the headquarters of the archbishopric in the next few days, it will seek to have the presence of officials from the provincial and municipal government areas that are responsible for social policies, as well as Other institutions and groups that carry out social work.

“In this jubilee year that Pope Francis has convened and inaugurated with the slogan ‘hope does not disappoint’, we renew the hope of continuing to forge joint and meeting spaces, to look for paths of dialogue and concrete actions that heal the wounds Of the brothers and sisters who suffer the most, “they said.

That the improvement in the macroeconomy “lower the plate”

In tune with the work of the Social Pastoral, the archbishop of Córdoba, Cardinal Ángel Rossi, referred to the difficulties suffered by the poor in Argentina.

In dialogue with Radio Maríathe purple celebrated that inflation has been slowed down and that gestures of corruption are corrected, but denounced that “poverty in the street has grown.” “We know that solving the problem requires time, that nothing can be immediate, but we hope that what is best in the macroeconomy to go down to the dish, that a family can lunch and dinner and that a grandfather does not have to opt between eating and medicating,” express.

“Talking only about the macro to common people sound like Utopia; There is an economy, a depersonalized policy. The project is taken care of, but the person escapes us. We lack the concrete person, the needy, ”he observed.

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