Argentina: The Catholic Church does not support Leda Bergonzi’s statements about cancer

Argentina: The Catholic Church does not support Leda Bergonzi’s statements about cancer

The Archbishopric of Rosario issued a statement in response to the repercussions of the statements made by the Rosario laywoman Leda Bergonzi, on a visit to Chile, about the origin of cancer, a disease that she attributed to the “lack of forgiveness.”

Given these statements, the Archbishopric of Rosario, which months ago had endorsed Bergonzi’s activity and stated that she has the support of a priest from the archdiocese, warned that the woman’s words about the origin of cancer “do not correspond to the teaching.” of the Church in this matter” and “are their exclusive responsibility.”

The statement, aimed especially at those who suffer from the disease or have lost a loved one because of it, recalls that the Christian vision of man defines him as a bio-psychological-spiritual unit. Therefore, “there are spiritual diseases that can affect the psychic or the organic.”

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