Argentina: The Catholic Church calls for reflection and care of children and adolescents

“No more disposable children!” is the cry of the Catholic Church that promotes a day of reflection and prayer that will take place in Argentina this Friday, on the eve of Children’s Day.

The activity is titled “Childhood and Adolescence. A comprehensive look in times of crisis of the social fabric”, and is organized by the Diocese of Avellaneda-Lanús, the Diocese of San Isidro, and the National University of Avellaneda.

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In the callthe Bishop of Avellaneda-Lanús, Bishop Marcelo Margni, expressed: “we are united by the same concern, the same concern: the reality of so many girls, boys and adolescents who live in contexts of increasing vulnerability and are even treated as disposable. ”.

In that sense, he assured that “it is a painful reality, to which we would not want to remain indifferent or turn a deaf ear.”

Father Adrián Bernardis, from the Commission for Children and Adolescents at Risk of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, spoke with the Caminos de Encuentro radio programof the Episcopal Conference, and provided details of this day.

The priest identified “two very strong legs.” On the one hand, he explained, “there are academics and sectors on the side of the Law, who are going to talk about justice in relation to adolescents, adolescents who have conflict with the law, and how we stand in front of that issue.”

On the other hand, he considered it “very interesting and profound” that there is a space for interreligious dialogue, “where important leaders from each of the largest confessions are discussing the topic.”

The priest considered it key to provide “a view of faith” to give support and an anthropology to something that is being discussed today.

Father Bernardis, who is a member of the Curas de las Villas y Barrios Populares team, considered that prevention is essential in the care of children and adolescents, “being able to offer our boys and girls alternatives to those offered to them.” in an easy way in some neighborhoods, especially in the towns and popular neighborhoods, where half of the population is under 18 years old.”

“It means arriving before weapons, before violence, being able to accompany life as it grows. And the Church has been doing it, we in our neighborhoods have what is called the pastoral care of the ‘three C’: chapel, school, club; that in some way what he wants is to anticipate, to provide an alternative to what we call the ‘three Cs of death’, which are: street, prison, cemetery.”

However, he warned that “a public policy that works in favor of the care of children and adolescents is also required,” with “a real and concrete investment.”

The appointment is from 10:00 a.m. (local time) on España 350 (corner of Colón), in the town of Avellaneda. The opening will be led by the local Bishop, Mons. Marcelo Julián Margni and the rector of UNDAV, Eng. Jorge Calzoni, who will delve into the need to care for our boys, girls, adolescents and young people.

The first panel, at 10:30 a.m., will feature the participation of specialists who will address the topic: Accompaniment of adolescents in conflict with the law.

Then, representatives of different faiths, among them the Bishop of San Isidro and President of the Argentine Episcopal Conference, Mons. Oscar Ojea; and representatives of Judaism, the Evangelical Church and Islam, will share a space titled: “The perspective of religions on the care of children, adolescence and youth.”

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