Argentina: Residence permit of Father Javier Olivera Ravasi in the Diocese of Zárate-Campana is revoked

Argentina: Residence permit of Father Javier Olivera Ravasi in the Diocese of Zárate-Campana is revoked

The Bishopric of Zárate-Campana (Argentina) reported that Father Javier Olivera Ravasi “from now on does not have authorization to reside” in the diocesan territory.

Through a statement which circulated on the official social networks of the bishopric, it is explained that the priest is incardinated in the Diocese of San Rafael, province of Mendoza, and for several years he has been “outside of it.”

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“For family reasons that he mentioned, he requested to reside in this Diocese of Zárate-Campana, which was granted for a period of four months, from August 20, 2019 to December 31 of the same year,” the document states.

The bishopric adds that Father Olivera Ravasi “subsequently left the place and returned several times without any notice.”

“Given that on repeated occasions, numerous complaints were received in this Bishopric based on his expressions and attitudes, which were opposed to Christian testimony – especially coming from a priest -, he was asked to change his attitude and behavior in his conduct,” he continues. the statement.

“Since the required change in his attitude has not been observed to date, and taking into account that the aforementioned priest does not belong to this Diocese of Zárate-Campana, as well as for the good of the diocesan community, after pertinent consultations, he has been communicated that from now on he does not have authorization to reside in this Diocese,” he expresses.

The bishopric’s decision comes after the bonding of Father Olivera Ravasi with a visit by legislators from the ruling bloc La Libertad Avanza, to Unit N°31 of Ezeiza, where they held a meeting with former soldiers detained for crimes of the last dictatorship in Argentina.

In this regard, days ago the spokesperson for the Argentine Episcopal Conference, Father Máximo Jurcinovic, had clarified in social networks that “what was expressed and acted by the priest Javier Olivera Ravasi in relation to the visit of a group of Deputies to the Ezeiza Prison does not correspond to the thoughts or attitude of the Argentine Episcopal Conference.”

“This is a particular and personal action of the aforementioned priest,” said Father Jurcinovic.

“The view of the Argentine Church on this issue is present in the publication made last year in the 3 volumes of the edition ‘The truth will set you free’ which was commissioned by the Argentine Episcopal Conference to the Catholic University (Argentina, UCA),” he specified.

ACI Prensa contacted Father Olivera Ravasi to find out his position after the statement from the Bishopric of Zárate-Campana. As of press time, he has not received a response.

Who is Fr. Javier Olivera Ravasi?

Born on September 12, 1977 (46 years old), Father Javier Olivera Ravasi received his priestly formation at the Institute of the Incarnate Word (IVE) in the Mendoza city of San Rafael. In 2015, together with Fr. Federico Highton, he founded the Order of Saint Elias, a society of apostolic life dedicated, as explained on their websiteto “the preaching of the holy Catholic Faith with the most heroic parrhesia on two diverse fronts: the ‘ad gentes’ missions (lands where the Church has not yet reached) and the apostolate of the cultural counter-revolution.”

He is a lawyer, theologian and writer. He has produced numerous video lectures and interviews on YouTube, and directs the Catholic Apologetics Project Don’t let them tell you (QNTLC).

His father, Jorge Antonio Olivera, a retired Army major, has been convicted by the Argentine justice system to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity committed during the military dictatorship. According to collect the Argentine newspaper Perfil, Father Olivera Ravasi has said about the case that “my father is detained for having fought in the ’70s and he has been in prison for 15 years. It is something public and I have visited him in prison. For me it is a family cross.”

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