Argentina: Religious order proposes innovative education from the roots of faith

“In an increasingly fragmented world, there is an urgent need to return to the fundamentals, reconnect with our deepest roots, find the meaning that we have lost in the chaos and maelstrom of our daily dynamics.” With this purpose, the Order of the Poor Regular Clergy of the Mother of God of the Pious Schools, better known as Escolapios, organizes the Congress of Humanist Education, which will take place from Friday, August 30 to Sunday, September 1 in the city of Córdoba (Argentina).

The congress, which will be held at the Santo Tomás de las Escuelas Pías School, seeks to “provide an ecclesial and social space to reflect on authentic education and its roots in the Western and Christian tradition,” can be read in the web.

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The event has the motto “Innovate today from the classical spirit”, and consists of three axes: “Faith and reason in the articulation of the educational proposal”; “Faith and life in the formative dynamics of teachers and students”; and “The Catholic, Thomistic and Calasantian tradition as perennial pedagogy.”

Within this framework, it will have the participation of experts from different countries, who will focus on topics such as “The dynamics of educational policy in Argentina”; “Where do the educational methods that are in our classrooms come from and where do they go”; “How to educate attention in a world with more screens than windows?”; “Is it possible to recreate the classic idea of ​​the University today? Dialogue with JH Newman”, among other topics.

There will also be workshops, moments of exchange, and as a closing, on Sunday the Eucharist will be celebrated and there will be a choral show.

In dialogue with ACI Prensa, Brother Santiago Catalán explained that the main purpose of the congress is “to bring together all the institutions in the Catholic educational field interested in thinking about educational issues from our deepest roots, based on the tradition that we have all received within of the Church and also innovating from the clearest needs that we see in our students today.”

In that sense, the meeting will seek to “put on the table, be able to dialogue, be able to converse and present the things that each of us see that are good in our schools, that give results in children and young people, and that allow us grow in stature, wisdom and grace… which allow us to take sure steps towards wisdom and holiness.”

The religious clarified that although it is organized by the Pious Schools of Argentina, the recipients of the congress “are not only our teachers and our students, but it is an event for all those who feel identified with the Catholic educational proposal in our country.” In addition, he anticipated that people from abroad will attend. “The idea is to get together and have a few days of reflection on this matter, always innovating from the classical spirit,” he summarized.

“There are many institutions that have joined as active participants, as sponsors of the congress; There are many exhibitors who come from different parts of the country, different specialists,” he said.

The opening of the congress, he reported, will be carried out by the Secretary of Education of the Nation, Dr. Carlos Torrendell. “Your presence is very significant,” he said, assuring that the congress “is a gift for all of us and an opportunity to grow, to show what we have in our hands, which we see is valuable and useful to children and young people, and also learn from others the things they have to contribute and to make us all grow, feed us and enrich us.”

Those who wish to participate can register on the website More information on Instagram: @congresoeducacionhumanista.

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