Argentina: Pope Francis blesses the boy who walked 11 kilometers to receive Confirmation

Argentina: Pope Francis blesses the boy who walked 11 kilometers to receive Confirmation

The diploma with the apostolic blessing and the gifts of the Holy Father were given to him this Sunday in a Mass presided over by the Auxiliary Bishop of Mercedes-Luján, Mons. Mauricio Landra, who traveled especially to Suipacha to place the recognition in his hands.

“I can’t stop crying,” Maxi’s mother confessed to ACI Prensa, and especially highlighted the warmth of the Suipacha community, which came to accompany her son and also brought him gifts: “It is a paradise,” said the lady. .

The protagonist of the story shared with ACI Prensa that “everyone was very happy,” even his rural school classmates, who were “impressed.”

To the other children who are preparing to receive the sacrament of Confirmation, Maximilian reminded them “that Jesus awaits them and will always be with them, just as he will be with me.”

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