Argentina: Catholic Action calls for the prompt appearance of the 5-year-old boy Loan and for justice to be done

Argentina: Catholic Action calls for the prompt appearance of the 5-year-old boy Loan and for justice to be done

The Argentine Catholic Action joined with a message to the request for the appearance alive of little Loan Danilo Peña, the 5-year-old boy who has disappeared in the province of Corrientes since June 13.

Through a statement, the secular institution echoes the concern of Argentine society and joins the clamor for “his prompt appearance and the request for justice”, also expressing its solidarity with Loan’s family.

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For him Loan case There are already six detainees, whose involvement in the disappearance of the child is being investigated, while raids and searches are carried out, with the federal security forces working intensely to find his whereabouts, with the suspicion of being in front of a case of human trafficking. .

“Loan’s disappearance, like so many girls and boys lost in our country, outrages us. They are an open wound in our democratic system. The State has a fundamental role in the prevention, prosecution of crime, rescue and assistance to victims: Do not abandon that role!”, they add from Acción Católica.

“Civil society, of which we are a part, cannot remain indifferent to this reality, and we must responsibly commit ourselves to being vigilant in our neighborhoods, to detect situations compatible with the crime of abuse, abduction or trafficking,” says the statement from the HERE.

For this reason, they call for “contributing to the search for these people and, in the event of possible information or suspicion, it is important to go to the nearest prosecutor’s office with the information or contact line 145, anonymous, free and available 365 days.” .

And quoting Pope Francis, in his message for the International Day of Prayer and Reflection against Human Trafficking 2024warn: “Trafficking is often invisible. The media, thanks also to brave reporters, shed light on the slavery of our time, but the culture of indifference anesthetizes us. Let us help each other to react, to open our lives and our hearts to so many sisters and brothers who are treated like slaves.

From the ACA they commend Loan, his family, and those who are leading the investigation to God, also asking for “the gift of repentance and conversion of heart for those who may be involved in a criminal act.”

Prevention and care

Finally, they list some preventive actions, such as not leaving children alone, teaching them not to start conversations or accept proposals from unknown people, letting children know their full name, age and address, and monitoring networks and contacts.

On the other hand, in the event of disappearance or loss, they urge that you immediately file a report with the nearest police or prosecutor’s office, and quickly track down the possible places and people with whom the boy or girl may be.

For more information, share the WhatsApp contact of Missing Children in Argentina: +54 9 11 4157 3101, and the email

In the event of a disappearance, they advise reporting to telephone line 134. Line 145 in turn receives complaints in cases of human trafficking and exploitation.

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