Argentina: Bishops of Misiones call for peace and dialogue in the face of salary conflict

Argentina: Bishops of Misiones call for peace and dialogue in the face of salary conflict

The bishops of the dioceses that make up the territory of the province of Misiones (Argentina) spoke out in favor of peace and dialogue, given the conflict between the government and different sectors due to the lack of a salary agreement.

In a carta to the faithful, the Bishop of Posadas, Mons. Juan Rubén Martínez; the Bishop of Oberá, Mons. Damián Santiago Bitar; and the Bishop of Puerto Iguazú, Mons. Nicolás Baisi; They assure that they are closely following the “serious events” that have occurred in the province.

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The claims led by police personnel, teachers and health workers have been going on for more than a week with protests, mobilizations towards the homes of political leaders, and even an attempt to occupy the Legislature. In the last few hours, teachers also led roadblocks, and in Posadas – the provincial capital – protests continue by police camped in public areas demanding better salaries.

“In complex situations like the one we are going through, we must avoid fueling confrontation and we must promote the wisest and most appropriate way to confront our conflicts, which is the search for consensus through dialogue,” the bishops expressed.

The prelates called on rulers and citizens to “assume the national events that opened with hope fundamental processes for our Nation, as a legacy that challenges us to continue working for justice and peace, especially serving those most in need.”

Finally, addressing the people of God, they encouraged them to “ask together Jesus Christ, the Lord of History, to grant us all the wisdom of dialogue and the joy of ‘the hope that does not disappoint.’”


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