Argentina: Bishops call to love and cheer those who “are having a very bad time”

Argentina: Bishops call to love and cheer those who “are having a very bad time”

Along the same lines, they exhort: “It is time to brighten the lives of so many brothers who are having a very bad time,” not with euphoria or naive optimism but with true joy, which “has to do with the meaning of life, with the experience of having a horizon.”

“In the current Argentine economic and social context, it is essential to sustain ourselves in that joy, a deep and lasting joy, which is born from the encounter with the Lord. It is a joy that frees us from hopelessness and discouragement, avoiding becoming prophets of calamities that only spread panic and anguish,” they say.

“We are convinced that love with concrete gestures and joy are the most explicit announcement of the Gospel in a society that seems to live in constant confrontation, where individualism and freedom without love prevail,” they summarize.

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