Argentina: Bishopric of Mar del Plata informs the reason for the transfer of former diocesan administrator

Argentina: Bishopric of Mar del Plata informs the reason for the transfer of former diocesan administrator

The Bishopric of Mar del Plata has explained in a statement that the transfer of the priest Luis Albóniga to the Diocese of Jujuy is to carry out a canonical procedure that clarifies “his performance” as administrator of the Mar del Plata diocese, a role he held between September 2023 and January 2024.

“The Holy See, through the Apostolic Administrator, informs that Fr. Luis Albóniga was transferred for a time to the Diocese of Jujuy, because a canonical procedure related to clarifying his actions during his task as diocesan administrator will be carried out,” states the statement dated January 30, and which has circulated through WhatsApp.

Although it was not disseminated by the Bishopric’s media, priest Juan Cruz Menilli, parish priest of Santa Ana, confirmed to ACI Prensa that it “is official.”

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