Argentina: Bishop blessed image of the Virgin Mary who wears a cloak with an image of Javier Milei and Pope Francis

For his part, Gustavo Adolfo Carrizo defended the work and its creator: “The cloaks are to the artist’s liking. Not everyone can like it, it is a privilege to have a person who takes charge and works all year round for both mantles, without charging anything for their help, with the collaboration of those who want, it does not represent an expense for anyone, it is never in an excel of no distribution and his tastes and work are impeccable. Those who like it well and those who don’t too. Thank you Graciela Diaz for her beautiful work as always…,” she expressed.

Bishop of Catamarca: May Milei “pray in front of this image”

When blessing the image of the Virgin to be given to Javier Milei, Mons. Urbanc stood out the meaning of this gift, explaining that it was an initiative of “a group of women who embroider these cloaks, dedicating hours to this task, people who donate materials such as fabric, ornaments and stones, the crown made by a man here, in Catamarca.”

“They have had the intuition, they have felt deep inside, given the difficulties that our country is experiencing, to make this replica image to donate it to the President of the Nation,” he explained.

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