Argentina: A historic temple is donated to the Bishopric for its reconstruction

“The last thing that fell was the bell tower. There are people who have surely seen the bell tower; “Not many decades ago it was standing,” he recalled. Currently, the building, which is located a few kilometers from La Cobrera, has no roof, the prelate explained.

“The church belonged to a field, to a family,” he explained. “Since I arrived in San Luis three years ago, Juan Manuel Rigau has been telling me that he wanted to recover that heritage to preserve it, to strengthen a religious tourist circuit, until this year we achieved it, in a conversation that I coincidentally had with the owner. of the field, for the signing of the donation to be finalized,” he said.

The chapel was donated to the Municipality, at the expense of the Church, that is, so that the Municipality transfers it to the local Church.



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