Archdiocese of Mexico offers space for candidates in first elections of the Judiciary

In the face of the elections of June 1, in which for the first time various positions of the Judiciary will be chosen in Mexico, the primed archdiocese of the country’s capital was offered as a dissemination platform for applicants who wish to publicize their profile and proposals.

These elections are the result of the reform of the Judiciary, approved by the Congress of the Union in September 2024, which will allow the Choice of 881 judicial positions nationwide and local. Among the positions to be renewed, are ministers (judges) of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), magistrates of the Electoral Court and District Judges.

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One of the most prominent points of the reform is the election of nine judges for the SCJN, the highest body of the Judiciary. The Court of Judicial Discipline will also be created, composed of five judges who will have the responsibility of investigating and sanctioning possible improper behaviors of their colleagues in the country.

The electoral process will last 60 days, starting on March 30 and concluding on May 28. During that time, applicants will seek the support of citizenship. According to Rosa Icela Rodríguez, Ministry of the Interior, the participation of more than 100 million voters, of legal age, of a total population of about 130 million is expected.

Catholic Church will help spread proposals

In the editorial of your information medium From faiththe archdiocese of Mexico said that “a citizen duty” is to know “what does each of these judges do, what is their subject and scope of action.”

However, he acknowledged the great challenge that this unpublished process implies and stressed that “it is up to citizens to inform us to participate and demand, as appropriate in a democratic system.”

Given the difficulty of accessing information about candidates and considering that they do not have the economic resources of those who aspire to positions of popular election, the archdiocese launched an initiative to provide them with a dissemination space.

He invited the candidates for the SCJN to send, between March 23 and April 1, a video of a minute and a half in which they present their career, proposals and vision of justice and human rights, “starting with the elementary right of life.”

The videos will be published in the different channels of the Archdiocese as of April 10, “for knowledge and consultation of all interested voters.”

The Archdiocese recalled that the SCJN ministers have the power to review the laws to ensure that human rights do not violate in Mexico, that is, it has powers of the Constitutional Court. Therefore, he highlighted the relevance of this election, because according to the criteria of these judges, “the laws that were questioned by the various existing means, for alleged human rights violations, They can be invalidated or validated by these 9 people”.

Finally, he entrusted the electoral process to the Virgin of Guadalupe, asking that the “decision of the citizens be the most successful, the elected judges be illuminated with the wisdom, and the citizen vote is free and respected.”

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