An NGO that promotes projects with high social impact

An NGO that promotes projects with high social impact

Fundación Compromiso is an organization that was born in 1994 with the aim of promoting social actions in Argentina and the region. The organization identifies strategic projects with high social, cultural or environmental impact. They then work to strengthen the different initiatives and, in this way, benefit more people.

“Our mission is to enhance the capabilities that the social sector has through its organizations to help build a genuine community and accompany a cultural change,” says Carolina Biquard, co-founder and executive director of Fundación Compromiso.What we demonstrate is that good ideas generate the necessary resources.”

Currently they carry out several programs such as Digital Paddocka network of digital trades learning centers in Latin America, aimed at generating employment in the digital economy in high-growth sectors, such as technology and knowledge industries.

In these three decades, 15,752 scholarships were distributed and 75 percent of the students have jobs.

They also promote the project Creativity, Culture and Capital, where international leaders present on creative economy and impact investment. They also hold the National Compromiso Foundation Day, an annual space where different social actors meet providing an opportunity for exchange.

According to data from the Foundation, In these three decades, 15,752 scholarships were distributed and 75 percent of the students have jobs. “Global challenges have shown how creativity shines even in the most difficult hours of humanity,” insists Biquard. “Now that the world works to overcome the fractures left by the different crises, we have a unique opportunity to reconsider the way we live, applying policies that promote sustainability and social well-being as well as economic growth.”

Donations: You can donate through the website ( or participate as a Foundation volunteer.

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