one afternoon preparing bread along with the cooks. A cabalgata with Flacucho -my horse- wanting first to the rest of the group, even the guide himself. The irresistible seduction of own garden. He sunset coloring the mountains. And natural soap that floods the shower with natural aromas. A wine tasting before dinner. A orange, mint and ginger juice. The heat of a salamander for cold nights and the firewood outside, at hand, so you can recharge whenever you want. The outdoor poolto dive into the water and into nature.
Posada La Matildewhere we are welcomed by the restless joy of Clarita, a dachshund, and a delicious mint, lemon verbena and pennyroyal tea, it is a refuge in the middle of Cordoban nature, far from the urban hustle and bustle and in an environment – and with people – that it conveys calm.
It is in the heart of the town of San Javierin the Traslasierra valley, Córdoba, and is much more than a hotel or a place to spend the night.
It is, in reality, a place that encourages reconnect with the earthpay attention to the senses and stand in a different way in front of nature.
They have a phrase on the website that I like: “Everything becomes aroma, flavor and smile”. This is how you feel when you enter, added to the sign at the entrance that says “Just come in.” A summary of the spirit of the place.
The inn, which It started operating in January 2016is made of adobe and has 10 rooms (two of them are superior) and a restaurant, DeAdobe, gastronomy kilometer 0meaning that everything consumed in the place is from the surrounding area, no more than 15 km. “Luxury of the simple” and “Beauty of the artisanal.”
and everything is within a productive field based on sustainability, organic and biodynamic productioncon three artificial lagoons from which water is obtained.
Includes 6 hectares of vineyards at 800 meters high with the advantage of thermal amplitude and diversity of climates. Here they produce their own wine and are part of the Córdoba Wine Route.

Senses in the foreground
La Matilde’s proposal is defined as a sensory experience because it puts life in harmony with the natural environment in the foreground.
The thing is that from the beginning, biodynamic agriculture was adopted: this is how it is produced in its fields and it is also a way of life.

“The concept of the inn is a living organism that supplies itself with its own resources, respecting the natural cycle of the earth and promoting practices that favor biodiversity and sustainability,” they explain on site.
What does it mean to have biodynamic production? The movement that began a long time ago in Germany, led by Rudolf Steiner, follows an agricultural calendar that respects natural cyclesplants and insects, without using chemicals or additives. Processes are not accelerated. Plants and insects are respected.

The visit to the garden It is a sampling of everything that we later see served on the table, from lettuce, chard and cabbage to edible flowers, strawberries, parsley or arugula. The same happens with the oyster greenhousea variety of mushrooms that grow on logs.
Beyond these walks, there are other activities and proposalslike making a bow and arrow, taking massages, yoga classes, enjoying the Córdoba night with astrotourism and tarot reading.
There are also Country Riding Schoolwhich offers practical classes to learn how to ride Creole horses and enjoy guided tours through the countryside.

When the evening falls and the moment you find yourself walking, having a drink or enjoying yourself in the pool, it will be time to observe the “magenta effect”. The sky is colored an intense red and the mountains are painted in pink tones. The spectacle of nature always captivates. Meanwhile, you can accompany the mate with the bread you prepared in the cooking class.
At night, the show moves to the table, where dishes from traditional Argentine cuisine and a wine list with organic and biodynamic options produced on the same estate parade. Once again, “everything becomes aroma, flavor and smile.”