An exorcism is an experience of mercy and light, not terror, says expert

Father José Luis Casanova Cases, director of the International Association of Exorcists (AIE), explains that “exorcism is an experience of mercy and light”, far removed from the usual terror in these productions. This is how the movie reflects it Libera Nos. The combat of the exorcistswhich premieres in Spain next October 25.

In conversation with ACI Prensa, the priest, coordinator of the Spanish section of the IEA and member of its International Council, explains that “even in the midst of the resistance of the devil, the victory and triumph of the love of God is verified with joy. about evil.”

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The IEA has promoted the production of Libera Nos since, in its opinion, the filmography on exorcisms until now “does not respond to the authentic climate of prayer and charity, nor does it reflect the ministry of the exorcist, since they are presented in a distorted, violent and dark way, in a climate of terror, with the impotence of the priest and the extreme strength of the devil, almost equal to that of God.”

Thus, in this new documentary, in which numerous exorcists participate, including Fr. Gabrielle Amorth (1925-2016), it aims to become a “Catholic compendium” on this ministry “in a faithful, authentic and correct way.”

In it, through the testimonies of exorcists, with a dramatization far from exaggerations and with hardly any special effects, the essential questions are answered: “Who is the devil and what is his extraordinary action?; Why is his extraordinary action suffered? How is it distinguished from a psychological problem? What is an exorcism and who intervenes? How can we defend ourselves?”

Exorcism is a pastoral service of welcome

Father Casanova explains that the ministry of exorcism goes beyond the performance of a rite: “It is a pastoral service of welcome, help, consolation and, many times, the first announcement of the Gospel” addressed to people who on many occasions “come disoriented, anguished and suffering ‘that they cannot tell because – they say – they are not going to believe me.'”

These are conditions that are usually caused “by the various practices of the ‘new age’ and current neo-paganism”, in the face of which, the expert details, “exorcism will not always be necessary, but they always need to be listened to, guided and have a prayerful moment” that also helps the priest to discern.

The relationship established between the exorcist and the person who comes to him “must be adequate accompaniment, not spiritual direction.” This is related to the fact that “the objective is to help them have the necessary dispositions for their liberation, so that they do not interpret the exorcism as a magical or superstitious action and that they recognize the deceptions that the devil will try to persuade them of the unnecessaryness of the exorcism.”

“If a relationship is established between the exorcist and the troubled person without respecting the truth of this ministry, crossing emotional or physical limits, or having behavior contrary to common sense and prudence” there is a risk.

“It is necessary, in tune with the Heart of Christ, to maintain prudent, respectful and compassionate attention that helps to grow in faith, hope and charity,” adds the exorcist.

The strength of the Rosary against the devil

The documentary film concludes with a powerful message of hope in which the Virgin Mary has a special role.

“How we experience the power of Jesus and the loving presence of Mary in exorcisms! As a Mother, She tenderly accompanies and assists the priest, the auxiliaries and those who suffer the dramatic suffering of the devil’s action. Their collaboration in the work of Christ’s salvation becomes experientially real,” explains Father Casanova.

In this Marian collaboration in the ministry of exorcism, the prayer of the Holy Rosary has a special relevance: “Its strength is in its simplicity” because in this devotion “we contemplate with the eyes and the Immaculate Heart of Mary the mysteries of Jesus and, as “a gentle rain soaks and transforms our lives with his love,” details the exorcist.

In this sense, he highlights how the film narrates how a demon, during an exorcism, said in an indignant tone: “She, as soon as you call her, comes. What mother wouldn’t do the same? Like a mother when a child calls her, She runs.”

For this reason, the priest recommends that “when we feel the evil one lurking, we invoke our good Mother, and do not be afraid, She will protect us.”

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