According to a survey, the majority ask that it can be processed 100% online

According to a survey, the majority ask that it can be processed 100% online

Anyone who wants to drive a car or motorcycle in the country must obtain a national driver’s license that enables them to travel on the streets and roads of Argentina, and in the countries registered to the 1949 Geneva Convention.

Currently, renewing or obtaining registration requires an in-person procedure at the transit offices of the municipalities and/or districts of the country, with both theoretical and practical evaluations.

Given this situation, Cecaitra, the Chamber that brings together companies that produce road software, carried out a telephone survey in which it asked if “I would consider it appropriate that the registration can be renewed 100% online, providing a medical certificate and sworn statement”and the majority agreed with the idea.

Of those surveyed, the 65.5% considered it correctMeanwhile he 29.7% disagreed with the idea. The rest did not choose any option. Taking into account the gender of those interviewed by telephone, it is observed that the idea of ​​the online procedure was accepted by the 69.1% of men and for him 57.9% of women.

In terms of age, the age range that most agreed with the idea was adults between 50 and 64 years old (71.8%), followed by young people between 16 and 29 years old (68.2%); by adults between 30 and 49 years old (65.9%); being the last are those over 65 years of age (50.2%).

“Analyzing the age of the respondents, we see that people over 65 years of age were the ones who least agreed with a hypothetical change in the licensing process. This could be conditioned by the use of technology, which in most adults only occurs in an assisted way. It is important to clarify that after age 70, the license renewal is annual, not every five years, which would imply carry out the online procedure every year“explained Facundo Jaime, spokesperson for the Cecaitra Road Observatory.

The current requirements for processing a driver’s license

  • Know how to read and write for professional drivers.
  • A sworn statement regarding the suffering of conditions expressly referred to in the regulations.
  • Mandatory attendance at a theoretical-practical road safety education course.
  • A psychophysical medical examination (visual, auditory and mental fitness).
  • A theoretical examination of knowledge about education and citizen ethics, driving, signaling and legislation.

Currently, there is only one mandatory online course that appears on the ANSV website, which can be accessed here. link.

“Technology is constantly adapting to traffic. We can observe it in traffic light, radar, or road safety systems. Any method that saves time for drivers should be considered a step forward in traffic matters. In Cecaitra there are companies that daily seek to generate road improvements with the application of new technologies as their flagship,” concluded Jaime.

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