In full investigation for the death of Adam Manzanoa Mexican television reporter who was in New Orleans to cover the Super Bowl to Telemundothe police announced Friday the arrest of A woman they accuse of having used the 27 -year -old journalist’s credit card who served as the presenter and reporter of the television chain in Kansas CityMissouri.
Manzano, a native of Mexico City, but who had studied and worked in the Kansas City area, was found dead on Wednesday in his hotel room in Kennera suburb of New Orleans, police reported.
The authorities arrested Thursday night to Danette Colbertresident of the state of Louisiana. The woman is 48 years old, according to public records.
Colbert faces four serious charges, as well as a minor accusation of fraud and robbery, said Kenner’s police deputy commissioner, Mark McCormick.
It also faces a state position for serious crime of possession of a stolen firearm, but Kenner’s police do not believe that this illicit is related to the case of Manzan Suzanne Carboni from the office of the St. Tammany police chief.
Colbert appears in security videos upon arrival with Manzano to his hotel room around 5 in the morning on the day of the journalist’s death. It goes without him for about an hour later, police reported.
He used the Manzano credit card in several stores in the area and the authorities later located the credit card and the reporter’s phone in Colbert’s residence in Slidell, northeast New Orleans.
Police also discovered narcotics in Colber’s houseT, Kenner police chief, Keith Conley reported Friday during a press conference. The researchers believe Colbert acted alone, said the official.
Conley described Colbert as a “Career offender” Known by the New Orleans Police for different “Fraud ardes”.
“Everyone should be aware of their surroundings”Said Conley. “This shows that there are people who take advantage of others and attract them to their confidence to make them their victims.”
A telephone number affiliated with Colbert’s residence was disconnected and nobody responded to a message sent to an email associated with it.
Colbert’s heavy history
Colbert was arrested twice in 2022, in Las Vegas, for serious charges of theft and supplying a drug to help in the commission of a serious crime, show the files of the Court. In both cases, COlbert was accused of drug drugaccording to Daniel Lippmanthe lawyer who represented her.
Lippman said the two cases dismissed because the victims did not want to testify in court. The lawyer refrained from commenting on the new accusations against Colbert.
One of the men who would have suffered the robberies said he woke up alone and with a nasal hemorrhage after going to his room with Colbert, whom he met in a bar, the newspaper reported in 2022 Las Vegas Review-Journal.
The complainant said they had disappeared from his room 50,000 dollars in cash, an rolex watch, $ 11,000 in chips to play pokeras well as your phone and a designer suitcase.
And last year, un jury in Las Vegas found that Colbert was guilty of theft and fraud. He was ordered to pay compensation of $ 50,000, according to judicial files of the New Orleans parish (County).
Waiting for Adam Manzano’s autopsy
Police are waiting for the results of the Forensic Autopsy, which will determine whether Manzano’s death was a homicide, Conley said.
The Forensic Office is conducting toxicology tests, and the results are expected to take three to four weeks, said Tim Genevay, director of Forensic Operations of Jefferson County. No obvious physical traumas were found in Manzano’s body, he added.
Telemundo Kansas City general manager Steve Downing said Manzano was a “Ascent star” and a “True professional”a bilingual television presenter and reporter who loved sports and He had covered the last two victories of the Kansas City Chiefs in the Super Bowl. I hoped to see a third consecutive victory on Sunday.

“You always saw it with a smile, I enjoyed the work I did,” Downing said. “I was very committed to serving the local community by providing the best in sports news.”
Manzano leaves a two -year -old daughter. He had been creating her alone with the help of his family, a year after his wife died in a car accident, Downing said.