A video of the young woman who reported Gonzalo Montiel for abuse went viral

“I am Carolina, model and stewardess, survivor of group sexual abuse where the main author was Gonzalo Montiel, our last goal in the World Cup.” The video showing a young woman in profile with dark glasses began to circulate on the networks until it went viral in the last few hours. The person who shared it is the lawyer Raquel Hermida.

The complaint of the young woman who claims to have been abused by the defender of the Argentine National Team is more than a year old. And Montiel’s name does not appear in that complaint.

“It was his birthday and he invited me to his house, we were getting to know each other. They drugged me into unconsciousnessthat was already proven in the investigation, just like my screams in the middle of the meeting,” Carolina adds in the video.

He also repeats: “Gonzalo raped me”. Regarding the lawyers, she says that it took her a long time to find someone to represent her because “everyone wanted to negotiate, no one wanted to go to trial”. She is now represented by Raquel Hermida, a defender in many cases of sexual abuse and who became known for being the defender of Nahir Galarza, the young woman sentenced to life in prison for having murdered her boyfriend, Fernando Pastorizzo, on December 29, 2017.

The complaint

According to the young woman, the abuse by Montiel It was January 1, 2019, at a party he had for his birthday at his family’s house in Virrey del Pino. She claims that he raped her there. She also said that after the complaint his family threatened her.

The first complaint was on January 10, 2019, but then it did not name Montiel but rather an alleged friend of the player, Alexis Acosta. That day Carolina delivered studies that had been done in a medical center, where they activated the abuse protocol. The case fell to the Prosecutor’s Unit Number 3 for Gender Violence of La Matanza, then in charge of Dr. María Catalina Barrios.

The case did not prosper because it was not ratified by the victim and On December 2, 2022, it was archived. In March of last year, when Montiel was already the author of the penalty that allowed Argentina to become world champion in Qatar 2022, Carolina declared in court that the defender was the one who had abused her, that they had given her alcohol and that she fainted .

“Esa It was the last image I had, that of Gonzalo entering, because then I fainted. When I woke up, about five hours later, I was lying at the entrance of the house with bruises, covered in mud, with all my clothes in disarray and with Gonzalo’s sister yelling at me ‘don’t mess with my brother, don’t name him, because I am going to kill you’. There they put me in a car with two other girls and left me at my house.” It would be part of Carolina’s statement that emerged last year.

And he continues: “When I got up everything hurt, I texted Gonzalo and he told me ‘you were with someone’. When I ask him for explanations he stops answering and then I get a WhatsApp from someone who claimed to be his mother, Marisa, who told me writes ‘They raped you, mommy, get eggs’. There I ran to the hospital and they did the sexual abuse protocol on me.”

At the time Hermida said that Montiel “was not a friend” of Carolina but rather “he was her boyfriend, they had gone on dates, he told her that she was beautiful and invited her to the house to meet his parents.”

Montiel presented himself voluntarily before Justice in June 2023 to give his testimony. He is charged. Also Alexis Acosta. The cause is because “sexual abuse with carnal access aggravated by the participation of two or more people”. Investigate Functional Unit No. 3 of Lomas de Zamora.

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