A new president will be elected and Chiqui Tapia will go for his third term

A while before publishing a bulletin in which the 1985 FIFA Circular is transcribed, which speaks of a global position against racism and establishes a protocol of procedures at three levels, The Argentine Football Association released another bulletin this Friday night in which it called an Ordinary Assembly for next October 17 in which a new president will be elected and the Executive Committee will be renewed..

Over there, Claudio Chiqui Tapiawith a mandate valid until 2025, will go for re-election, although it opens the doors to all those leaders who seek to take the reins of the baseball headquarters. Will any opponents appear? Everything happens in the midst of the fight with the national Government that promotes the entry of Sports Joint Stock Companies in Argentine football, something that beyond the official regulations – which gave a period of one year for adaptation – and the resources of protection in force, is currently outside the statute of the AFA.

For now, The Board of Directors specified in bulletin 6549 that the lists must be presented before Monday, September 16 at 6:00 p.m.. From then on they will be evaluated and a week later the candidates will be informed about their admissibility or not as applicants for the seat that Julio Humberto Grondona occupied for more than three decades.

In order to compete against Chiqui Tapia in the election that will take place at the Lionel Messi property in Ezeiza, a series of requirements will have to be met. First of all, be a native or naturalized Argentine and reside in the president. In addition, he must be or have been president or vice president of a club or league for at least three of the last seven years and, in addition, not have been found guilty by a final judgment in any criminal case that was intentional and incompatible with his position.

The applicants for the vice-presidencies and for the Executive Committee, meanwhile, must meet the first and last requirements, in addition to the fact that they must be part, at the time of presenting the candidacy, of the Board of Directors of a club or a league. Those who are simultaneously members of a jurisdictional body of the AFA or the Supervisory Commission will be unable to compete.

Once the time for possible challenges has expired, The lists will be made official on Friday, October 4 in the AFA Official Gazette.

The agenda scheduled for October 17 at the Ezeiza property also includes, among several actions, the treatment of a series of statutory modifications, as well as changes in the Disciplinary Code and the Code of Ethics.

In the case of possible modifications to the Statute, which in article 9 establishes that the clubs invited by the AFA “must have the character of non-profit associations”, it is detailed that on election day “a vote will be taken on the proposals for amendments to the Statutes, the Assembly Regulations, the Electoral Code, the Disciplinary Code and the Code of Ethics.” Will it have something to do with putting more obstacles to the entry of the SAD?

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