A lay -fought one for the Nazis and a prisoner prisoner of war progress to the altars

A lay -fought one for the Nazis and a prisoner prisoner of war progress to the altars

At the end of February, Pope Francis approved the “Offering of Life” of the American priest Emil Joseph Kapaun, who died in a prison field in North Korea, and the Italian layman except d’Acququoto, shot by the Nazis after sacrificing to save 22 people.

In this article we share the history of these two new venerables of the Catholic Church.

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Emil Joseph Kapaun

Emil Joseph Kapaun, born on April 20, 1916 in Pilsen, Kansas, has been recognized for his extraordinary delivery as military chaplain during the Korean War. His life, marked by deep faith and courage, led him to offer his life by his brothers on the battlefield and in prison.

He DICASTERY OF THE CAUSE OF THE Saints He reports that, from a young age, Kapaun felt the call to the priesthood, influenced by the religious formation he received in his community. He was ordained a priest in 1940 and shortly after he requested to join the army as chaplain. His service led him to different destinations, including the Indo-Burmese region during World War II and, subsequently, to Japan.

In 1950, with the outbreak of the Korean War, Fr. Kapaun landed with his unity in Korean territory, where his courage and pastoral delivery were recorded in the memory of his companions.

During the Battle of UNSAN, on November 1, 1950, Fr. Kapaun had the possibility to flee, but chose to remain with wounded soldiers, providing them with spiritual and physical support. His decision led him to captivity in a prison field in Pyoktong.

“In Kapaun you can find a willingness to offer his life for love of neighbor (Because of charity) at the time he chose to remain in the front line to be able to attend the soldiers even during the battles, ”says the Dicaster.

The conditions in the prison field were inhuman: hunger, diseases and brutal treatment. However, Fr. Kapaun did not abandon his teammates, sharing his food and helping the weakest. “Even as a prisoner, he tried to help his weakest companions with numerous gestures that further weakened his already fragile body, leading him to death,” recalls the Dicastery.

His health quickly deteriorated, aggravated by an infection and lack of medical care. Despite this, he persevered in his pastoral work until he collapsed in April 1951. The jailers transferred him to the so -called “House of Death”, where the prisoners were abandoned without assistance. “When he was taken to the house of death, even knowing that he would not return, he remained serene, retaining an attitude of sacrificial oblation,” adds the Dicaster.

He died on May 23, 1951. His offering of life —The awareness of his life for love of others – is documented: “The delivery of life, free, voluntary and volunteer can be considered clearly proven Because of charity (For the love of charity), ”concludes the Dicasteria of the Causes of the Saints.

Today, his cause of beatification advances after being declared venerable by Pope Francis on February 24.

Except for purchase

Except D’Acququo was born on October 15, 1920 in a modest and large family that transmitted solid Christian values. From his childhood, he showed an inclination for sacrifice and help others. It is said that, as a child, he gave his shoes to another barefoot child and that, on another occasion, he saved a child who was about to be hit by a train.

According to him DICASTERY OF THE CAUSES OF THE SANTOSat 18 he entered the Carabineros School of Rome and, after completing his training, was allocated to the General Commissioner for War Manufactures. In 1940, with the entrance of Italy in World War II, he was sent to Libya, where he served until September 1942.

During his time in the army, he did not hesitate to express his faith publicly, praying the rosary and making the sign of the cross, and therefore was admired and respected among his companions.

Upon his return to Italy, in September 1942, he was assigned as Vicecomandante at the Carabineros de Torrimpiertra station. After the armistice of September 8, 1943, the country was plunged into chaos, with the Nazi army occupying the center and northern Italy.

In this context of violence, on September 22, a group of German soldiers forced metal boxes containing explosives confiscated in a barracks, causing a detonation that killed one of them and left two others injured. Without understanding that it was an accident caused by their own negligence, the Nazis considered the fact as an attack and arrested 22 civilians to execute them in retaliation.

Although D’Acququo tried to explain that the incident was accidental, the Nazis insisted on shooting the prisoners. To save them, he assumed all the responsibility and was executed. He did it freely and consciously, with the sole purpose of saving the lives of the innocents. Thanks to his self -accusation, the 22 men were released, while he was immediately shot.

His heroic decision, according to the dicasion of the causes of the saints, was not a simple act of solidarity: “His gesture of self -accusation was not motivated by a simple act of civic solidarity and lay philanthropy, but inscribed in a consciously and consciously Christian lifestyle.” And he adds: “His heroic behavior confirms the deep motivations of that offering of life consciously carried out ”.

His cause of beatification was opened in 1983 and in 2021 Pope Francis recognized his martyrdom for love. On February 24, the Holy Father recognized the “Offering of Life” of this Servant of God and, therefore, was appointed venerable.

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