A former goalkeeper from the Chilean National Team suffered a serious traffic accident and had to have his foot replanted

A former goalkeeper from the Chilean National Team suffered a serious traffic accident and had to have his foot replanted

The Chilean goalkeeper Cristóbal Campos Véliz, 25 years oldsuffered a serious traffic accident this Monday morning on a route in the metropolitan area of ​​Santiago de Chile. After the strong crash they had to amputate his foot, but they managed to reattach it.

The archer, who He trained in Colo Colo, and last year he played at the University of Chilewas currently playing for San Antonio Unidos in his country’s Second Division.

Campos Véliz, who was traveling alone, He overturned his truck at kilometer 33 of Route 78 when he returned from playing a match with his team on date 21 of the Second Division tournament.

According to reports, the goalkeeper lost control of the vehicle and crashed into the protection barrier of the highway that connects the city of San Antonio with Santiago. Now, they are trying to determine what caused the accident.

According to the newspaper The Countrythe emergency services assisted the goalkeeper at the scene and found that he was trapped between the iron bars of the vehicle.

It was there that they confirmed that He had a serious injury to his right foot.. Given the complexity of the condition, he was transferred to a nearby health center where the limb was reimplanted.

The deputy medical director of the emergency service, Jorge Ibáñez, maintained that “due to the severity of the injury, one cannot guarantee long-term viability, but it is simply reconstruction and this is something extremely dynamic that can change over time.” the process.”

From the Chilean National Team account they sent a message of support to the player: “We join the words of support for the terrible car accident that Cristóbal Campos suffered this morning. LaRoja’s family and Chilean football trust that you will move forward and Send all the strength and support to you and your family. Much strength, Cristóbal.”

“We send all the force to Cristóbal Campos and his familyafter the terrible car accident he suffered this morning. Although this is a moment of great affliction, we trust that Cristóbal will move forward with the support of his loved ones and all of Chilean football,” was the post from the University of Chile..

The club also started a campaign to get blood donations to help the young goalkeeper.

Campos played the South American Under 20 with the Chilean National Team, in 2019, and between 2022 and 2023 he was called up for the FIFA dates to play in the major league, where he put on the gloves for the first time in a friendly against Cuba.

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