Saint of the day December 18: Saint Mary of the “O”.  Catholic Saints

What “dream” can be bigger than seeing a human being achieve everything they can be in life? What freedom can be greater than what is possible to appreciate in human life that is beginning and, therefore, has everything ahead of it to build its own good and that of others? What right can be more significant than the one that is respected unconditionally?

The Virgin, as the mother that she is, teaches, sets an example and accompanies fathers and mothers on the path that leads to receiving a new life. The Virgin of the O, thus, becomes a symbol of hope for parents. Contemplating the Mother of God in the days before the birth of Jesus, with very little, with almost everything against her, experiencing loneliness and poverty, we see a woman willing to do anything for her son. She welcomes divine life with love and empowers it with her daily sacrifice. Therefore, any mother who puts herself in the hands of God will never be disappointed.

What a great blessing Mary is for women who carry a son or daughter in their wombs! How much hope, even in pain, can be drawn from the sweet expectation of it. How beautiful the privilege of carrying or welcoming someone who is also a child of God! How much joy there can be in it if love overcomes the difficulty! How sweet to be pregnant! What comfort in difficult times!

Virgin of the O, pray for all the mothers of the world! Intercede for us this Advent!

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