World Electronic Book Day: 8 sites with free Catholic books

On July 4, 1971, Michael Hart, a student at the University of Illinois (United States), found a way to send a text as an independent element of email. In memory of this fact, World Electronic Book Day is commemorated.

On the occasion of this anniversary we offer eight sites on the Internet where it is possible to download books with Catholic content for free.

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1. Free Date Foundation

The Free Date Foundation It was established in 1988 in Pamplona (Spain) by Father José Rivera (died in 1991) and Father José María Iraburu, together with some lay people.

Since then, they have dedicated themselves to producing Catholic works that they sell at minimal prices in Spain and donate to Latin American countries. They also have a free download section of books in electronic format.

2. Traditional Catholic has a wide catalog of books, most of them in English and also with a large section of titles in spanish which can be downloaded for free.

Among the authors are numerous saints such as Saint Claudius de la Colombière, Saint Alfonso María de Ligorio, Saint Francis de Sales or Saint Robert Bellarmine.

Books on Christian life, numerous lives of saints or writings and sermons (from the Confessions from San Agustín to the Treatise on prayer and meditation of San Pedro de Alcántara).


The portal, born in 2000 as an initiative of the Computer Network of the Church in Latin America (RIIAL), offers its users a assortment of e-books of Catholic religious content.

Among them, you can get titles such as The young man of character, signed by the former Bishop of Veszprém (Hungary), Bishop Tihamer Tóth, or the successful To save you share P. Jorge Loring, SJ.


The manager of is Father Ángel Peña Benito, OAR, a Spanish missionary who has been working in Peru since 1968. On his website he shares writings of his own about the Virgin Mary, saints, angels and religious life.

Works related to Catholic formation, the defense of the faith, historical events or the Eucharist are also offered. Some more writings are intended for young people or families.

5. A perplexed Catholic

The blog A perplexed Catholic It is the work of Gonzalo Carlos Novillo Lapeyra, a Spanish layman, and there is a section where you can download Catholic books in electronic format.

Among others, you can find different editions of the Bible, texts by Saint Louis Mary Grignon de Monfort, Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint John Mary Vianney or Saint Thomas Aquinas.

You can also consult titles related to hell or purgatory.

6. Amazon

It is also possible to find free digital books with Catholic content through Amazondoing a simple search.

Although some of them are only available at no additional cost to subscribers of Kindle Unlimited, Various Catholic texts can be freely downloaded, such as the complete documents of the Second Vatican Council or the compendium. Faith and reason according to Benedict XVI.

7. The work of God

The Prelature of Opus Dei offers, through your institutional websitea series of volumes published by its Information Office, including doctrinal documents of the Church, catechesis of the Popes, encyclicals and pontifical homilies.

You can also consult the pastoral letters published by the Prelates of Opus Dei and the letters that Blessed Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri wrote to Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer.

8. ACI Press

The ACI Prensa website also offers free digital books, including various compilations of speeches and homilies by Pope Francis delivered during his apostolic journeys.

Likewise, more than 30 titles by Father José Antonio Fortea are available, among which those that make up his decalogy on the Apocalypse or the treatise stand out. Summa Daemoniaca.

Originally published July 4, 2023. It has been updated for republication.

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