Argentina: The FE program completed 4 years of supporting the Catholic Church

The FE Program, a project of the Argentine Episcopal Conference that deals with the economic support of the mission of the Catholic Church in the country, turned four years old.

The initiative, which arose from the resignation of the Argentine bishops in 2018 from the state public contribution, has the purpose that the faithful and any person or institution that values ​​the action of the Catholic Church can make their financial contribution, thus sustaining the evangelizing mission.

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In its first four years, thanks to the commitment of many people, the FE Program was able to continue with the task of bringing the values ​​of the Gospel to different communities in the country.

In addition to supporting parishes, dioceses and seminaries throughout the country, efforts focused on publicizing the actions of the Catholic Church, showing the activities, vocations and history of the different communities.

In this framework, the FAITH Program visited parishes, dioceses and seminaries distributed throughout the Argentine territory, and was present in relevant celebrations for the People of God, such as the pilgrimage to the Basilica of Luján, and the festivities in honor of San Cayetano, San José Obrero, San Isidro Labrador, Our Lady of Lourdes, the Virgin of San Nicolás, as well as the beatification of the martyrs of Zenta, among many others.

Another of the tasks assumed by the Program was to offer training to young people, priests, religious and lay people from parish communities, dioceses or ecclesial institutions, to train them in fundraising and communication.

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