Melinda Gates will donate millions of dollars to the cause of abortion around the world

Melinda French Gates, businesswoman and wife of billionaire Bill Gates, announced that she will become the largest benefactor of abortion in the world, despite identifying as Catholic. Gates will allocate $200 million to organizations that promote women’s “reproductive freedom,” including abortion and contraceptives.

In an article published in The New York Times, Gates noted that he will allocate a total of $1 billion “in new spending over the next two years for people and organizations working for women and families around the world,” including $200 million to finance the so-called “reproductive rights”.

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Funds will be distributed through the charity Pivotal Ventures, of which she is the founder. “She is frustrating and short-sighted,” said the businesswoman, referring to the little money that — according to her point of view — is invested in causes to benefit women and in favor of gender equality.

Gates’ announcement saddened pro-life activists around the world. One of them was Carol Tobias, president of the National Committee for the Right to Life of the United States, who told the National Catholic Register that this type of “aid” actually destroys lives and harms women.

“Melinda French Gates could do a lot to help women and their unborn children nationally, and even internationally, but she has decided to invest money in the abortion industry, which already makes billions of dollars murdering innocent children before to be born,” said Tobias.

Additionally, the Register consulted Pivotal —created in 2015— about Gates’ contradictions in relation to abortion and how he reconciles his actions with the teachings of the Church. A spokesperson for the charity responded via email that “Melinda’s interest in women’s power and influence has not changed.”

“She believes that health is a fundamental lever for women to fully exercise their power in society. “She pivotal already funds organizations working across the spectrum of reproductive health, and this new commitment will include groups working on reproductive rights,” she added.

The Register noted that at least 6 of the 16 nonprofits that will receive money through Pivotal openly advocate for abortion and at least one funds them directly.

An uneven battle

Like Gates, pro-life activists see a disparity in the money spent, but point out that it is actually in favor of the cause of abortion.

“Every day, the pro-life generation relives the story of David and Goliath, as the financial giants surpass us in every aspect. For example, consider that the almost 700 million dollars that our federal government (of the United States) wastes on Planned Parenthood allows them to market to more women and drive a culture of death through intentional abortion,” Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life.

“But the beauty of a just cause is knowing that it does not depend only on us, and that is our true strength, although all donations are welcome,” he added.

Tobias told the Register that pro-lifers have never been able to compete with abortion organizations when it comes to money: “There has always been a funding disparity between those who seek to protect innocent human life and those who want to promote the murder of preborn children.” “he indicated.

“The additional funds provided by French Gates will add to an already overflowing fund. Will it make our task more difficult? Sure, but we pro-lifers are determined optimists.

We will continue speaking on behalf of those who have no voice,” stated the president of the National Committee for the Right to Life of the United States.

Lastly, Melanie Israel —visiting fellow of the Heritage Foundation—told the Register that abortion does not empower women, but rather hurts them. Likewise, he stated that Gates’ announcement “is a grim reminder that the pro-life movement faces a powerful cabal of well-funded abortion activists.”

“An effective and meaningful way to counter the culture of death is to find the nearest pregnancy resource center and offer a helping hand, financial help, or both,” she stressed.

“Pregnancy care centers are on the front lines, making abortion unnecessary and unthinkable. “They deserve our support,” Israel stated. “Maybe one day Melinda Gates will think the same,” she concluded.

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