Novena to St. Anthony of Padua

On June 13, the feast of Saint Anthony of Padua is universally celebrated. For this reason, ACI Prensa makes available to its readers a novena of preparation in honor of this great Doctor of the Church, patron of sterile women, and whose devotees invoke his intercession when they have lost an object or if they are in search of a good husband or wife.

Saint Anthony was born in Portugal in 1195 and is known by the nickname “of Padua” because it was in that Italian city where he died in 1231. His remains are found there and his main relics are venerated.

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Antonio was a Franciscan friar and an excellent preacher, a man who also wrote very beautiful texts – tradition has called him “Evangelical Doctor” – and performed impressive miracles. It is said that one day, while he was praying, the Child Jesus appeared to him, which is why we generally see him represented with the Child in his arms.

Saint Bonaventure said of him: “Go with confidence to Anthony, who works miracles, and he will get you what you are looking for.” Pope Leo XIII called him “the saint of the whole world” because his name, his image and his devotees are found everywhere.

First day of the Novena to Saint Anthony of Padua

V/. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

R/. Amen

V/. My God, come and help me.

R/. Lord, hurry up and help me.

V/. Glory to the Father…

R/. As it was in the beginning…

opening prayer

Lord God of power and mercy, we ask that you send us your Holy Spirit, so that, making his home in us, as he did in your servant Anthony, he may turn us through his intercession into temples of your glory and guide us along the paths that you , Father of goodness, you want for us. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

From the sermons of Saint Anthony

He who is filled with the Holy Spirit speaks different languages. These different languages ​​are the different testimonies that he gives of Christ, such as humility, poverty, patience and obedience, which are the words with which we speak when others can see them reflected in our behavior. The word has force when it is accompanied by actions, and, for this reason, the Lord curses us as he cursed that fig tree in which he found no fruit, but only leaves. “The rule of the preacher,” says Saint Gregory, “is to put into practice what he preaches.” In vain he strives to propagate Christian doctrine who contradicts it with his works.

Let us speak, therefore, as the Holy Spirit allows us to express ourselves, humbly and devoutly asking Him to instill His grace in us, so that the day of Pentecost may arrive through the perfection of the five senses and the observance of the Decalogue; so that we may be filled with the impetuous spirit of contrition and burned with the tongues of fire of confession, so that, inflamed and illuminated in the splendor of the saints, we may deserve to see the one and triune God. Help us he who is the triune God, blessed forever and ever. Let every spirit say: Amen, hallelujah.

Antiphon: From his youth Antonio walked uprightly, found much wisdom and progressed in it. He gave himself to God wholeheartedly and in violent times he was compassionate.


Remember, Lord, that your mercy and your tenderness are eternal. With the confidence that comes from knowing that we are your children and invoking the intercession of your servant Saint Anthony, whom you serve generously, we present our requests to you: …… …… ……

closing prayer

Almighty and eternal God, you who have given your people in the person of Saint Anthony of Padua a distinguished preacher and a powerful intercessor, grant us to faithfully follow the principles of the Christian life, so that we deserve to have you as a protector in all adversities. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

V/. Let us bless the Lord.

R/. Thanks be to God.

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