Corpus Christi 2024 in Rome: Pope Francis presides at Mass and Eucharistic procession

At the Mass and Eucharistic procession that were celebrated in Rome this Sunday, June 2, the solemnity of Corpus Christi, Pope Francis explained that when Jesus takes and blesses the bread and wine; He offers a gesture that allows us to meditate on “the three dimensions of the Mystery we are celebrating: thanksgiving, memory and presence.”

1. Thanksgiving

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In his homily today, the Holy Father recalled that “the word ‘Eucharist’ means precisely to say ‘thank you’, to thank God for his gifts, and in this sense the sign of bread is important.

“It is the daily food, with which we bring to the altar everything we are and what we have: life, actions, successes, and also failures, as symbolized by the good custom in some cultures of collecting and kiss the bread when it falls to the ground, to remember that it is too valuable to be thrown away, even after it has fallen to the ground.”

The Eucharist, precisely, “teaches us to bless, receive and kiss, always, in thanksgiving, the gifts of God, and this not only in celebration, but also in life.”

Pope Francis explained that this can be done “by not wasting the things and talents that the Lord has given us. But also forgiving and lifting up those who make mistakes and fall due to weakness or error; because everything is a gift and nothing can be lost, because no one can be left stranded, and everyone must have the possibility of getting back up and getting back on the path.”

2. Make memory

“First give thanks, second bless the bread. This means remembering “the Passover of Christ, his Passion and his Resurrection, with which he has freed us from sin and death.”

“Remember our life, remember our successes, remember our failures, remember the extended hand of the Lord that always helps us get up, remember the presence of the Lord in our lives,” he highlighted.

3. Real presence of Christ in the Eucharist

“The Eucharistic Bread is the real presence of Christ. And with this he tells us about a God who is not distant or jealous, but close and supportive of man; that he does not abandon us, but seeks us, waits for us and accompanies us; always, to the point of putting himself, defenseless, in our hands,” explained Pope Francis.

“And this presence of his also invites us to become close to our brothers where love calls us,” he added.

“It is urgent that the world recover the good and fresh fragrance of the bread of love, to continue waiting and continue rebuilding, without ever tiring, that which hate destroys,” the Pope highlighted.

The Eucharistic procession of Corpus Christi 2024 in Rome

At the conclusion of his homily, Pope Francis explained that the Eucharistic procession is not done “to show off, nor to show off our faith, but to invite everyone to participate in the Bread of the Eucharist, in the new life that Jesus has given us. . Let’s do the procession with this spirit.”

After the Mass, the Eucharistic procession began between the Basilica of Saint John Lateran, the Cathedral of Rome, to the Basilica of Saint Mary Major, through the Via Merulana.

It is the first time, since 2017, that this event has been held again on this route. It was then done in other locations in Rome, as well as in the Vatican during the pandemic, with very strict measures.

In 2022 and 2023 it could not be carried out due to the Pontiff’s health problems. In fact, in 2023, Pope Francis was admitted to the Gemelli hospital.

The Holy Father did not make the procession; Instead, he went separately to the Marian Basilica, the place where he usually prays before and after each of his international trips, before the image of the Salvation of the Roman People.

Upon arriving at Santa María la Mayor after approximately an hour and a half of procession, Mons. Baldassarae Reina, who was carrying the Eucharist, placed the Eucharistic Monstrance on the altar that was placed in the atrium of the basilica.

The Eucharistic song of the Only then and Pope Francis gave the blessing to all those present, after which the litanies were prayed, and then reserved the Blessed Sacrament, which concluded the Eucharistic procession.

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