Vatican changes provisions on ashes of the deceased

This, he specifies, is because “the preservation of ashes in a sacred place can help reduce the risk of removing the deceased from the prayer and remembrance of family members and the Christian community” and also “avoids the possibility of forgetfulness and lack of respect, which can occur especially once the first generation has passed, as well as unseemly or superstitious practices.”

Furthermore, Cardinal Fernández highlights that “our faith tells us that we will be resurrected with the same bodily identity that is material, like every creature on this earth, although that matter will be transfigured, freed from the limitations of this world.”

Likewise, it clarifies that “this transformation does not imply the recovery of the identical particles of matter that formed the human body. Therefore, the resurrected body will not necessarily be made up of the same elements that it had before dying.”

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