Mons. Salvador Rangel Case: Bishops of Mexico denounce political instrumentalization

The prelate, on behalf of the Mexican Episcopate, called “on the competent authorities to carry out an exhaustive, objective, impartial, fair and illuminating investigation that contributes to justice, so that it is based on the investigation and the provision of evidence that the facts are judged.”

“We deplore the use of prejudices and disqualifications expressed in social media that only contribute to rarifying the environment in which Mexican society is immersed, loved by extreme polarization that does not contribute to enforcing the highest principles of coexistence that all Mexicans desire” , he stated.

At the end of the video message, Bishop Castro Castro reiterated the gratitude of the Catholic Church in Mexico “to all those people who have been in prayer and attentive to the health of Bishop Salvador. And Jesus says: ‘If you remain in My Word, you will truly be My disciples, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.’”

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