Chile: On Labor Day, archbishop reflects on the role of women

On the other hand, Bishop Chomali sees it as important to recognize that, “sometimes, long hours of work are animated by an outsized desire for material goods and social demands.” Therefore, he assures that “there will be no adequate solution to this issue if more austere lifestyles are not installed, privileging people’s being over having. Pope Francis speaks vehemently about this,” he recalls.

The Prelate also indicates that it is “indispensable” to strengthen married life and revalue the vocation to motherhood, “recognizing the need that children have for care, love and affection in order to develop as mature and balanced people.”

“It is known that the absence of love in childhood and adolescence is a pain that accompanies people throughout their lives. Not without reason, John Paul II postulates as a task for our country that ‘it will be an honor for society to make it possible for the mother – without hindering her freedom, without psychological or practical discrimination, without leaving her inferior to her peers – to dedicate herself to care and education of children according to age-differentiated needs. The forced abandonment of such tasks for a gain paid outside the home is incorrect from the point of view of the good of society and the family when it contradicts or makes difficult such primary tasks of the maternal mission,’” he quotes.

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