1 million roses for the Virgin Mary in May: Hozana prayer campaign

The Hozana association launched the global prayer campaign “1 million roses for Mary”, with which they encourage all the faithful to pray 1 million tens of the Rosary during May, the month of the Virgin par excellence.

“Hozana wants to invite Christians around the world to express their love and gratitude” to the Virgin Mary, with a “beautiful gift: 1 million decades prayed around the world! These dozens are actually spiritual roses that the Virgin receives every time her children pray a Hail Mary,” states a note sent to ACI Prensa.

What Hozana proposes is that each participant commits to praying at least a decade of the Rosary each day of May, using the rosary application“inspired by the concept of the living Rosary devised by Blessed Paulina Jaricot, and which basically consists of meeting in groups and ‘dividing’ the prayer of the Rosary by dozens.”

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