Bullfighting: Cardinal Porras closes meeting of bullfighting priests in Spain

“It is extremely rare for a person to go to a bullring for these sadistic purposes,” he said.

The Mexican priest then indicated that “bullfighting fans in countries such as Spain, France, Mexico, Portugal, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru and Ecuador, attend the bullrings to see a show where intelligence and physical skills confront each other.” of a man and the ferocity of wild nature embodied in the bull. Outside of these countries, bullfighting is quite misunderstood, especially under the pressure of animalist ideology.”

“The fighting bull is a unique animal whose nature is bravery and fighting. “Its qualities are used to create this show in which the public will admire the qualities of the animal, as well as the bravery, intelligence and skill of the matador,” he continued.

“The olés that resonate in the squares are an expression of a public that is moved, not by the suffering of the bovid, but by the aesthetics with which the bullfighter does his work,” added the bullfighting chaplain.

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