Cherry trees are blooming earlier and earlier due to climate change

The cherry blossom (sakura), a symbol of the arrival of spring in Japan, attracts millions of visitors to the Asian country every year, however, climate change is bringing forward its onset and the heat waves put in risk of opening the cocoons.

This annual event, which dyes the entire country white and pinkwas traditionally produced between the end of March – in the south of Japan – and the beginning of April – in the center – and even in May – in the far north -, but the Record temperatures are bringing forward the start of flowering to February.

Change in average cherry blossom dates

The average date The time when cherry trees begin to bloom has moved forward 1.2 days per decade since 1953, according to Daisuke Sasano, climate risk management official at the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), in a press conference.

In between 1961 y 1990the average flowering date for Tokyo was March 29, while between 1991 and 2020, this figure has moved forward five days to March 24, notes the JMA expert.

In less urbanized areas In Japan, such as Okinawa or Hokkaido, the advance payment has been somewhat less, with 3 days and 4 days respectively, so the expert considers that it is not only about climate change, but also about urbanization and the development of large cities. .

“Last year was one of the earliest flowering years on record, with March 14, and this was a consequence of the global warming in combination with urbanization“, says Sasano.

Photos to remember the cherry blossoms in Tokyo. Photo EFE/EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA

For Kyoto, one of the most touristic cities in Japan and especially famous for its floweringthe JMA has collected data since the year 1400 – through writings of the time -, which show that at that time, the sakura It began around April 11, while in recent decades it has been brought forward to mid-March.

What is the risk for cocoons

Although there are varieties that flower earlier, such as kawazuwhich opens its flowers in February, the JMA fears that an increase in temperatures may have an effect on the opening of the buds, which need cold for their formation.

View of the cherry trees from the water.  Photo EFE/EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMAView of the cherry trees from the water. Photo EFE/EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA

“After blooming, the flowers disappear during the summer, a time when buds form, which They must be exposed to the cold winter or else they will not be able to bloom next spring. There is the risk of buds going dormant if it’s not cold enough,” he adds.

Although without wanting to speculate on the matter, Sasano considers that some varieties of cherry trees, especially those in high mountains, could experience difficulties in flowering if there is also an increase in temperature in these areas.

The expert also warns of delays in the color change of autumn leaves (to learn), another symbol of the change of season in the Asian country and which occurs later and later each year at an average of 3 days late for each decade.

The risk of climate change is that the cocoons will not open.  Photo REUTERS/Issei KatoThe risk of climate change is that the cocoons will not open. Photo REUTERS/Issei Kato

As with the sakurathis delay has been associated, among other factors, with the global increase in temperatures.

“He sakura supposes a turning point in the lives of many Japanesesince it coincides with entering university or starting new jobs, and there is a risk that this typical image of the time could be lost,” concludes the expert.

The cherry blossom is usually celebrated in Japan with the Hanamia picnic among friends, family or co-workers, designed to enjoy the ephemeral beauty of the falling petals and which more and more foreigners join when they visit the Asian country.

The cherry blossom is usually celebrated with the "Hanami" (un picnic). Foto EFE/EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMACherry blossoms are often celebrated with a hanami (picnic). Photo EFE/EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA

In this way, the sakura has also become one of the main Japan tourist attractions. Some 63 million people traveled to and within Japan to see cherry treesaccording to a 2019 estimate from the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO).

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