Pope Francis accepts resignation of Archbishop of Piura

The now Archbishop Emeritus of Piura and Tumbes, Mons. José Antonio Eguren, issued this Tuesday a statement in which he thanks God for the opportunity to have served the faithful of the northern archdiocese, and the successors of Peter “who trusted me, I always strived to serve with filial affection and obedience.”

Although he did not give details about the reasons for his resignation, Bishop Eguren quotes Benedict XVI and assures that “’loving the Church also means having the courage to make difficult, long-suffering decisions, always keeping in mind the good of the Church and not of ourselves'”.

Bishop Eguren adds that “within my Christian home and my community of Fellowship of Christian LifeI learned that you must always love the Church and make it loved.”

He thanked the faithful for their affection and their support in difficult times such as the pandemic and the natural disasters that affected his archdiocese in these 18 years, and assured that his commitment “to ecclesial service remains unchanged in the face of the new challenges that arise for the Church of this times”.

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