Easter 2024: Angel Monday

From today until the end of the fiftieth of Easter, on the day of Pentecost, the prayer of the Queen Coeli (Queen of Heaven) instead of the Angelus. In a similar way, that is, at the conclusion of praying the Holy Rosary, we can replace the Salve with this same prayer.

In 2009, Pope Benedict XVI recalled that the “Rejoice, Mary” pronounced by the angel resonates as an invitation to joy: “Rejoice and rejoice, Virgin Mary, alleluia, for the Lord has truly risen, alleluia”that is: “Rejoice and rejoice, Virgin Mary, hallelujah, for truly the Lord has risen, hallelujah.”

Queen Coeli

Queen of heaven rejoice; Hallelujah.
Because the Lord whom you have deserved to take; Hallelujah.
He has risen according to his word; Hallelujah.
Pray to the Lord for us; Hallelujah.
Rejoice and be glad, Virgin Mary; Hallelujah.
Because the Lord has truly risen; Hallelujah.


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