Holy Week 2024: Via Crucis for young people of Saint Teresa of Calcutta

«Who are my mother and my relatives? And stretching out his hand on his disciples, Jesus said: Behold, my mother and my relatives, whoever does the will of my Father »(Mt 12, 48-50).

Jesus falls again. Have we picked up people from the street who lived like animals and then died like angels? We are present to lift them up.

Also in your country you can see people in the park who are alone, unwanted, not cared for, sitting, miserable. We reject them with the word alcoholic. We don’t care about them. But it is Jesus who needs our hands to clean his faces. Can you do it? Or will you pass by without looking?

Eighth Station: Jesus comforts women

“A great crowd of people and women followed Him, who lamented and wept for Him. Turning towards them, He said to them: Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but rather weep for yourselves and for your children” (Lc 23, 27-28).

Holy Father, I pray for them so that they may be consecrated to your holy name, sanctified by You; so that they give themselves to your service, give themselves to you in sacrifice. For that I also consecrate myself and give myself as a sacrifice with Christ.

Ninth Station: Jesus falls for the third time

«I have told you this so that you may have peace with me. In the world you will have tribulations, but take heart: I have overcome the world” (Jn 16, 33).

Jesus falls again for you and me. His clothes are taken away from him, today the love before birth is stolen from the little ones. They have to die because we don’t want these children.

These children must remain naked, because we do not want them, and Jesus takes on this grave suffering. The unborn takes this suffering because he has no choice but to desire him, to love him, to stay with my brother, with my sister.

Tenth Station: Jesus is stripped of his garments

“When the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took his clothes, making four parts, one for each soldier and the tunic” (Jn 19, 23).

Lord, help us to learn to endure the pain, fatigue and torture of daily life, so that we always achieve a greater and more creative abundance of life!

Eleventh Station: Jesus is nailed to the cross

“When they arrived at the place called Calvary, they crucified him there with two criminals. Jesus said: Father, forgive them because they do not know what they are doing” (Lc 23, 33).

Jesus is crucified. How many mentally handicapped and mentally retarded people fill the clinics! How many are there in our own country. Do we visit them? Do we share this ordeal with them? Do we know anything about them?

Jesus has told us: If you want to be my disciples, take up the cross and follow me and He thinks that we have to take up the cross and that we feed Him those who are hungry, that we visit the naked and receive them by Him in our house and that we make it our home.

Twelfth Station: Jesus dies on the cross

“After tasting the vinegar, Jesus said, It is finished, and bowing his head he gave up his spirit” (Jn 19, 30).

Let’s start the seasons of our Way of the Cross personal with encouragement and with great joy, because we have Jesus in Holy Communion, Who is the Bread of Life that gives us life and strength! His suffering is our energy, our joy, our purity. Without Him we can do nothing.

Thirteenth Station: Jesus is taken down from the cross

“Towards evening a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who was a disciple of Jesus, came and took his body and wrapped it in a clean linen” (Mt 27, 57-59).

You young people, full of love and energy, do not waste your strength on meaningless things!

Fourteenth Station: Jesus is buried

“There was a garden near the place where Jesus was crucified, and in it a new tomb, in which no one had yet been buried, and they laid Jesus there” (Jn 19, 41-42).

Look around you and see, look at your brothers and sisters not only in your country, but everywhere where there are hungry people waiting for you.

Nudes who have no homeland. Everyone is looking at you! Do not turn your back on them, for they are Christ himself!

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