Colombia: Church delivers food to families affected by ELN armed strike

The Bishop of Quibdó (Colombia), Bishop Mario de Jesús Álvarez, reported that the Catholic Church has begun to deliver 200 food packages to help families affected by the recent armed strike by the National Liberation Army (ELN) in the department. of Chocó.

In statements to Caracol News, the prelate explained that the food will benefit the “most affected communities of Doidó, Puerto Murillo, Noanamá and Negría.” Likewise, he encouraged more people and institutions to join this initiative.

Bishop Álvarez took advantage of the occasion to exhort armed organizations to show their will to achieve peace. “The call is for both the ELN and the Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AGC-Clan del Golfo), the FARC dissidents and all these groups, so that we all enter into a dialogue.”

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