Sodalicio confirms sending of letters from the Vatican and begins new investigations

The Sodalicio de Vida Cristiana (SCV, for its acronym in Latin) confirmed having received letters from the Vatican with instructions to open investigations into some of its members, and noted that the disclosure of this process in an American media outlet “compromises” the development of the investigations and “the presumption of innocence of those involved.”

Under the title The Vatican’s ‘007’ returns to Peru to continue the investigation into groups plagued by scandalsthe Crux website published an article about the new visit to this country of the official of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Mons. Jordi Bertomeu, who works with the Archbishop of Malta, Mons. Charles Scicluna, investigating allegations of abuse in the Church in different countries around the world.

Bishop Scicluna and priest Bertomeu are also in charge of the investigation into the SCV, whose founder Luis Fernando Figari received a sanction from the Vatican in 2017 for cases of abuse and was exclaustrated from the community of apostolic life.

According to an official statement from Archbishopric of Limapriest Bertomeu is in Peru from March 4 to 12 not for the Sodalicio case, but to “evaluate the canonical investigation in the diocesan phase, still in progress, on the alleged financial irregularities attributed to the institute of consecrated life of diocesan law Pro Ecclesia “Saint.”

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