8M in Mexico: Catholic churches were painted and bonfires were lit outside the Cathedral of Mexico

Then, the feminists lit bonfires at the foot of the fences placed outside the Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico.

Why the feminist violence against Catholic churches in 8M?

In dialogue with ACI Prensa, Father Hugo Valdemar, who was the Director of Communications of the Primate Archdiocese of Mexico for 15 years during the pastoral government of Cardinal Norberto Rivera, referred to the reasons for feminist violence against Catholic churches, with attacks that are frequent during their demonstrations.

This violence, he said, “above all is due to the Church’s defense of life from conception to its natural end, and the condemnation of the abominable crime of abortion.”

“If feminists believe and fight for the right to abortion, and the Church opposes it, then they see it as their enemy and it becomes a target of attack and violence,” he said.

“But let’s not fool ourselves: at its core it is not a human, feminist hatred, but rather the hatred of Satan, who cannot even tolerate sacred things and seeks their destruction. Without realizing it, these poor women are the instrument of the devil’s hatred. “.

How should Catholics respond to feminist violence?

Father Valdemar also said that in the face of violence “we Catholics have the responsibility to defend our faith, not to respond by acting with the hatred of feminists, but by being firm in the defense of our inalienable principles and our temples.”

“It is necessary to show that if they ask for respect, they must respect others and that violence against women is not resolved by creating violence, chaos and destruction,” she stressed.

The Mexican priest then stressed that Catholics “above all we must pray for these poor women, blinded by hatred and violence, ask for their conversion and their salvation.”


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