Vatican: Cardinal asks to collaborate in Good Friday 2024 collection for the Holy Land

After recalling that many have died martyrs in the Holy Land “for not seeing the roots of their ancient Christianity cut,” Cardinal Gugerotti warns that with the current situation “many are no longer able to resist and abandon the places where their fathers and mothers have prayed.” and have witnessed the Gospel. They leave everything and run away, because they see no hope. And ravenous wolves divide their spoils.”

In that sense, the cardinal urged to help so that in the Holy Land the local Churches can find “new avenues, places to live, jobs, school and professional training, so that they remain there and do not get lost in the unknown world of “The West, so diverse in its way of being and in its way of witnessing the faith.”

“If they had to leave, if they had to leave their small businesses in Jerusalem and Palestine, intended for pilgrims who no longer go there, the East would lose part of its soul, perhaps forever. Make them feel the heart of solidarity of the Church! “He continues.

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