Saint of the day March 3: Saint Catherine Drexel.  Catholic Saints

Every March 3, the Church celebrates Saint Catherine Drexel, a nun born in the United States, who was the founder of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, a congregation dedicated to the education of racial minorities and the country’s poor.

Catalina was the daughter of a banking magnate; However, throughout his life, he demonstrated a great desire to renounce luxuries and privileges, in addition to being characterized by a singular detachment: he donated around 20 million dollars – at times when this figure represented several times its current value – to ensure the education of people in need, especially indigenous people (Native Americans) and African Americans.

Saint Catherine Drexel is the second person originally from the US to be canonized (the first is Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton). The Church recognizes her as the patron saint of racial justice and philanthropists.

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