Saint of the day March 1: Saint Albino.  Catholic Saints

Saint Albino is considered the patron saint of children suffering from blindness and whooping cough.

Tradition points to him as someone who performed many miracles during his life. A famous story tells that, through his intercession, a young man named Albaldo was brought back to life. Another source reports that, after the saint had unsuccessfully interceded for the lives of a group of thieves condemned to death, a part of the prison wall in which they were held collapsed during the night and they were able to escape. Those young people understood that God had given them a new opportunity and they returned to see the saint, promising to change their lives. He is also known to have cured several people suffering from blindness, especially children.

Devotion to Saint Albino today is quite widespread in European countries such as Italy, Spain, Germany and Poland. Many temples and parishes are dedicated to his memory in France, his native land.

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