ABC Prodein sisters educate and nourish the neediest in Venezuela

In one of the highest parts of the Caracas neighborhood of Petare, in Venezuela, a group of nuns belonging to the Christian Benevolent Association Promoting Integral Development (ABC Prodein) serves more than 800 school-age children daily, offering them academic and human training. and religious.

Petare is located in the east of Caracas and is home to one of the largest poor neighborhoods in Latin America. There, in the midst of the complicated Venezuelan reality, the consecrated laywomen of ABC Prodein run the Nuestra Señora del Encuentro school, which young people from the community attend every day to study in primary and secondary school.

Many of the students go through difficult situations at home. For this reason, the sisters comment, the school was conceived as a way to offer them an opportunity for personal improvement and as an evangelizing tool at the service of the Church.


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