These 6 saints and blesseds dedicated their lives to serving leprosy patients

Mary Anna Barbara Cobb He was born in Heppenheim (Germany) on January 23, 1838. When he was three years old, his family moved to the United States, settling in Utica, New York. She entered religious life in Syracuse with the Sisters of the Franciscan Third Order and took the name Marianne.

When the sisters received word that King David Kalakaua of Hawaii was seeking help for lepers, Mother Marianne and six others responded and in 1883 moved to Honolulu as missionaries.

In 1888 he moved to Kalaupapa on Molokai to help lepers. Saint Damien, parish priest of lepers, had contracted the disease and died under the care of Mother Marianne. After his death, she and her sisters took care of Kalaupapa’s patients for the next 30 years.

He died at the age of eighty, on August 9, 1918, without contracting the disease. She was canonized by Benedict XVI on October 21, 2012.


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