Milei government will have Economy and Security ministers from Macri’s time

This Thursday, four days after being elected with more than 55% of the votes, economist Javier Milei’s team confirmed that Luis Caputo will be Economy Minister. Caputo was Minister of Finance in the government of former president Mauricio Macri, advisor and ally of Milei in the electoral dispute and now also in the presidential transition. The definition of the name of the Economy Minister was one of the most anticipated announcements in the country and abroad in light of the country’s serious economic and financial crisis.

At the Central Bank, which would be ‘dynamited’ by Milei (if the campaign promise is kept), the first unforeseen event for the elected president arose. Milei gave up, this Thursday, the name that was considered to preside over the monetary entity (Emilio Ocampo) and appointed Damian Reidel, who also worked in the Macri government as deputy in the management of economist Federico Sturzenegger at the Central Bank of the Republic. Argentina (BCRA). In both cases (Ministry of Economy and BCRA) the influence of Macrism is clear. At the same time, in different interviews this week, Milei confirmed that his plan to dollarize the economy will not be immediate and will take at least two years to be implemented.

Former presidential candidate and former Minister of Security in the Macri government, Patricia Bullrich, who had said that she did not expect a position in exchange for supporting the elected president, will return to the Security portfolio. Security and inflation are among Argentines’ biggest concerns.

Milei has already announced that he will privatize the oil company YPF (the State has 51% of the shares and the company has been state-owned, private and has been nationalized again), in addition to the water and train companies, among others. “We will privatize everything possible,” she said. Milei also stated that the airline Aerolíneas Argentinas should be managed by the workers themselves, after a year of financial support from the State. Milei’s statement generated strong criticism from the company’s worker representatives. Milei said he intends to quickly cut around 15% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). To achieve this, it will also put an end to public works. So far, economists and political analysts are divided between support for his announcements and caution, for fear that the adjustment will end up generating a strong recession.

This week, Milei spoke with Pope Francis, whom he had called ‘evil’ in the campaign and went on to say that he respects him and knows that he is the ‘spiritual father’ of a large part of the Argentine population, who adhere to Catholicism. He also opened the door to dialogue with the President of China, Xi Jinping, after saying in the campaign that he would have no relationship with communist countries. Milei also spoke with former presidents Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro and invited the Brazilian to his inauguration on December 10th. Dialogue with President Lula is still pending, after he called him “corrupt” during the campaign. In an interview this week, Milei said that he knows the importance of Brazil and said that “if President Lula wants to come” (to the inauguration) he will be welcome. In the Brazilian government, however, the word of the Chief Minister of the Social Communication Secretariat of the Presidency, Paulo Pimenta, is maintained, that Milei should first apologize to the Brazilian Head of State.

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