The Milei government reported that the police operation will be “blunt”, such as last week, but with greater organization. President Javier Milei said he is on the side of those who “wear blue” (the police) and said the safety minister, Patricia Bullrich, responsible for the area, is “the best minister in the history of Argentina”.
Milei and Bullrich are in tune, while Vice-President Victoria Villarruel is increasingly distanced from her former ally. Faced with the police action, which brought together several federal troops, and that the government argued that it was carried out to combat the ‘Barrabravas’ (fans with police record), another movement emerged-the one who repudiate last Wednesday’s security operation. Public employees announced that they suspend their activities from noon so that teachers, doctors and other professionals participate in the new demonstration.
They are part of the Association of State Workers (Until) which is part of the Union Centrals-CTAS-which will announce that they will be present at the time of Wednesday. In addition to them, they also promise to present representatives of leftist parties, kirchnerism and social movements, among others. The question, on Tuesday, is whether the soccer clubs, with fans wearing their teams’ t-shirts will appear again by weight to the protest of Wednesday’s retirees.
Another question is whether retirees, authors of the traditional manifestations of the Wednesdays, will attend massively or if, cautiously, they will prefer to follow the act at a distance. They have protested the losses of their benefits and the cost of living that erodes well-being and makes it difficult for them to pay their medicines, for example, according to industry experts.
Milei’s negative image recorded a strong increase (between 8% and 10%, depending on the opinion poll) between January and February this year. The so -called Cryptocurrency $ Libra scandal affected its image and credibility, as it noticed, for example, a survey of the Atlas Intel Institute.
On October 26 this year, Argentina holds legislative elections to renew part of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Milei intends that his party, the Nanico Freedom to advance (LLA), expands his presence in the National Congress. And it has already started to dialogue with sectors of former President Macri’s party, in a strategy of possible alliance after a period of mutual barbs and distrust. In Parliament, the government expects support on Wednesday for the so-called Decree of Need and Urgency (DNU, equivalent to a provisional measure) for a possible new agreement by Argentina with the IMF.
With the probable new loan from the fund, the government plans to end exchange control and maintain its strong adjustment to continue to contain inflation. On Tuesday, Clarín in Spanish reports that a survey specialized in the province of Buenos Aires, the largest in the country, detected that if the elections were today, former President Cristina Kirchner (who has not officially declared if he will be a candidate) and her union party for the homeland would have more votes than Milei’s candidates.
The pre-election climate, Milei’s determination to intensify the police action and the decision of his opponents justify the expectation for Wednesday’s protest.
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