Santa de Turin Sabbons and the 2025 Jubilee: there will be no exhibition but virtual pilgrimage

The Archbishop of Turin (Italy) and custodian Pontifical of the Santa Sabbath, Cardinal Roberto Repole, reported the virtual pilgrimage that there will be for the 2025 jubilee, given that a public exposure or ostension is not scheduled.

The press conference, which was transmitted simultaneously from Turin and the Vatican Press Office, served to present the initiatives related to the liturgical party of the Santa Sabbath, from April 28 to May 5, on the occasion of the Jubilee Year.

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The Santa Sabbia is preserved in the Cathedral of Turin (Piazza San Giovanni), in the last chapel of the left ship, under the Royal Tribune. Normally it is only removed for public exhibitions.

The holy sheet, turin or trustee is a linen sheet that measures approximately 4.41 by 1.13 meters. According to tradition, it is the sheet mentioned in the Gospels that was used to wrap Jesus’ body in the sepulcher.

Marco Bonatti, head of Communication of the Diocesan Commission for the Santa Sabbath was also present at the press conference.

“I think that the jubilee year we are living is a new approach to the Holy Sheet, through new technologies we have the possibility of approaching the sheet as we have never done in the past,” said Cardinal Repole.

“In the context of the jubilee, which has as its theme La Esperanza, the Holy sheet invites us to reflect on this issue,” he added.

The pilgrimage, they explained at the press conference, will be the first immersive digital experience on the Santa Neck and will be held in Piazza Castello-Turin.

The organizers also stressed that the trustee can “explore”, illuminating some of the most significant details of the shroud, such as the face, the crown of thorns, the marks marks, among others.

This virtual pilgrimage will be possible thanks to the Piedmont region, the Turin City Council, the Turin Chamber of Commerce and the Carlo Acutis Foundation.

To reserve a turn for virtual pilgrimage, you must enter:

Translated and adapted by the ACI Press team. Originally published in ACI Print

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